Power Management for Hybrid Vehicle with Super Capacitors and Battery Applications using Multi Boost and Full Bridge Converters
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Abstract: The Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) has become one of the most promising vehicles in the automobile industry due to
its energy saving ability and low emission of harmful pollutants. Battery management system, which has acceptable life cycle,
remains the major roadblock to large-scale production of Electric vehicles and Hybrid electric vehicles, which consists of high
power density batteries. This paper emphasis more on the management of the energy provided by super capacitor Packs. Each
super capacitors module is made of 108 cells with a maximum voltage of 270V. The multi boost and multi full bridge converter
topologies are tested to define the best topology for the embarked power management. The experimental and simulated results
validate the proposed two converter topologies presented in this paper.
Keywords: Power Management, Super Capacitors, Multi Boost and Full Bridge Converters, Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
In the last few years the pollution problems and the
increase of the cost of fossil energy (oil, gas) have become
planetary problems. The car manufacturers started to react
to the urban pollution problems in nineties by
commercializing the electric vehicle. But the battery
weight and cost problems were not solved. The batteries
must provide energy and peaks power during the transient
states. These conditions are severe for the batteries. To
decrease these severe conditions, the super capacitors and
batteries associate with a good power management present
a promising solution. Environmental issues create a
demand for more energy efficient vehicles. A
conventional vehicle with an internal combustion engine
(ICE), converts chemically stored energy (gasoline,
ethanol, diesel etc) into kinetic energy in a process
afflicted with significant power losses. Combining the ICE
with an electric energy storage and drive system can
improve the fuel efficiency through several means. The
electrical propulsion system allows the combustion engine
to operate closer to its optimal operating point through
supplying the wheels with extra power when needed and
absorb power when the ICE produces excess power.
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