RDH (Reversible Data Hiding) in Encrypted Images by Reserving Room Before Encryption
Abstract: Now a day, more attention is to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images as well as in audio and video, by
using RDH method excellent property that the original image (cover) can be receives as it is recovered after embedded data is
extracted also protecting the image content’s confidentiality. All previous methods embedding data into image by reversibly
vacating room in the encrypted images, which may be result as some errors on data extraction and/or image restoration. That
mean some secrete information is loss in data extraction also degraded quality of image. In this paper, we propose a new
method by reserving room before encryption .By using the new RHD method improver’s efficiency of image. The proposed
method improves efficiency & quality encrypted image usually used in medical area, aromatic etc. The new Algorithm Used in
novel RDH is reducing noise Effect.
Keywords: Reversible Data Hiding, Image Encryption, Novel Method Of RDH, Encryption Techniques, Difference
Expansion, Histogram Shift.
Reversible data hiding (RDH) is a technique in image
processing area for encryption, by which the original cover
can be losslessly recovered after the embedded message, is
extracted. The RDH approach is widely used in medical
science, defense field and forensic lab, where there is no
degradation of the original content is allowed. Since more
research RDH method in recently. In theoretical aspect ratedistortion
model for RDH Kalker and Willems [2], through
which they proved the rate-distortion bounds of RDH for
memory less covers and proposed a recursive code
construction which, however, does not approach the bound.
The recursive code construction for binary covers and
proved that this construction can achieve the rate-distortion
bound as long as the compression algorithm reaches
entropy, which establishes the equivalence between data
compression and RDH for binary covers. Many RDH
techniques have emerged in recent years. Fridrich et al [3]
constructed a general framework for RDH for method. By
first extracting compressible features of original cover and
then compressing them lossless, spare space can be saved
for embedding auxiliary data.
Logical Effort Based Dual Mode Logic Gates